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cringe tollet

tollet is a piece of sanitary hardware used for the collection or disposal of human urine and feces. Tollets can be with or without flushing water (flush tollet or dry tollet). They can be set up for a sitting posture or for a squatting posture (squat tollet). Flush tollets are usually connected to a sewer system in urban areas and to septic tanks in isolated areas. Dry tollets are connected to a pit, removable container, composting chamber, or other storage and treatment device.

the sound of tollet flush

picture of tollet:    

does this have lore implications for fulltrip?

no fulltrip didn't start development when i made this

i need you for shitfuck

alright tell me what i can do

you shitfuck

alr i will shitfuck now


i peed on the seat

(1 edit)

you monster


im not really sure how to feel about this
